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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorLappo, Katsiaryna-
dc.descriptionLappo, K. Developing listening comprehension skills based on the use of e-learning tool in the process of formation of foreign language communicative competence / K. Lappo // Thesaurus : зб. навук. пр. / Магілёўскі інстытут МУС. ‒ Магілёў, 2023. ‒ Вып. 12 : Выклікі XXI стагоддзя. ‒ С. 148‒154.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the problem of formation of communicative competence through listening comprehension via e-learning tool in English. E-learning tools enable learners to practice listening comprehension, providing an interactive and engaging learning experience. Exercises, provided by e-learning textbook, help students to develop their listening comprehension skills in context, allowing them to better understand the authentic language as it is spoken naturally.ru_RU
dc.publisherУстанова адукацыі «Магілёўскі інстытут Міністэрства ўнутраных спраў Рэспублікі Беларусь»ru_RU
dc.titleDeveloping listening comprehension skills based on the use of e-learning tool in the process of formation of foreign language communicative competenceru_RU
Appears in Collections:T H E S A U R U S. Выпуск XII. «ВЫКЛІКІ XXI СТАГОДДЗЯ» (Магілёў 2023 г.)

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