Forensic research cartridges (ammunition) for hand-held small firearms (Mogilev, 2020) Главная страница коллекции Просмотр статистики

          Scientific electronic network text edition.
  • Professor of the Department of forensic examination and research of St. Petersburg University of MIA of Russia Doctor of law Associate Professor I. М. Latyshov;
  • Head of the Department of Criminalistics of the Faculty of law of Belarusian State University Doctor of law Professor V. B. Shabanov;
  • Head of the State Institution «Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus» PhD in law I. А. Moroz.
    • The basis of this publication is the print edition «FORENSIC RESEARCH CARTRIDGES (AMMUNITION) FOR HAND-HELD SMALL FIREARMS».
      The monography presents the issues of theoretical and legal, organizational and methodological support of forensic ballistic examination of cartridges (ammunition) used for shooting in hand-held firearms.
      This publication can be recommended for use in the educational process by students, cadets and students of higher education institutions of legal profile, in the practice of employees of expert departments, operational staff, investigators, prosecutors and judges.

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    Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
    2020Forensic research cartridges (ammunition) for hand-held small firearmsLappo, E. A.; Rubis, A. S.; Litvina, M. A.
    2020ВведениеLappo, E. A.
    2020Глава 3Lappo, E. A.; Rubis, A. S. (section 3.5); Litvina, M. A.
    2020Глава 2Lappo, E. A.; Litvina, M. A.
    2020Глава 1Lappo, E. A.; Litvina, M. A.
    2020ЗаключениеLappo, E. A.
    2020Cписок используемых источников-
    2020Выходные данные-
    Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 10 из 10


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